Remembering ....

We were classmates in XI – in a big class of nearly 100 people. So, our interaction was pretty much limited to the acknowledgement of each other’s existence. At the end of the year, she was taken in by a premier institute because of her sheer brilliance and wonderful academic performance – sponsoring for her Class XII education. A Year later I read about her in the newspapers as she had secured a brilliant rank in the common entrance exam.

About 2 months later – fate bought us together. We both had joined the same college and arrived by the same train to the college. We recognized each other and enrolled into the hostel at the same time. She arrived at the hostel before me, so booked the same room for us. Then began a relationship for the next 4 years – one of friendship – that was not the closest but was always there. We were not the best friends, but were in constant touch always – knew pretty much about each other’s lives and families, talked almost every day in those 4 years at hostel, traveled together to home and back for nearly 2 years, participated in a few competitions as a team and kept in touch even after moving into Adult life. The 1st year of hostel was vital as we were room mates – we shared a lot about our dreams, aspirations, our likes and dislikes. I liked her neatness a lot. She was a very methodical person and was very tidy and did things in a very regular manner. She was very hard working too.

Her best talent which made her very famous in college was brought out when the competitions for 1st years starting – her golden voice. I still can recall that evening when she saw the telugu version of “Awara Bhawnre” in the auditorium. There was pin drop silence when the audience was just captivated with that melodious voice of hers. She could just sing almost any song and with such perfection that it was unbelievable.

We kept in touch after college through emails and occasional meetings at weddings of friends. She called me on my wedding day – I was so happy that she remembered and called me.

She is no more. One cold morning about a year ago I received the news by email. I could not believe it – it would just not sink in. There are days when it still does not.

Today morning, I was listening to “Telimanchu kurisindi” and just could not stop thinking of her. This was among one of her favorites and one that she sang excellently. I decided to write a few lines in her memory. It made me miss her a lot and feel that god was too unfair to take away such a nice person.


My Thoughts said…
Reading this gave me goose-bumps. Yeah these like those things in life that are SO SO SO UNFAIR.
Organised Nomad said…
Are u referring to Sirisha.. what happened to her.. is she no more... OMG... But Vidhya make some time for me too...Mail me...
Gomathi Sarma said…
Ouch.. I am very sorry to hear about your friend..

Sometimes even i feel that God is unfair. He cannot stand people being really happy and joyful and he does something to hurt them..

But then in the end I am told - "All is for Good'..and here i am telling you the same..

Have a nice day
Venu Nemani said…

Sorry to hear about your friend. No amount of words or consolation can ever recoup that loss. Your friend might not be physically present but I am sure she will continue to live through your memories.
Usha said…
My god,such a short life for someone with so much talent. Sometimes lidfe is so difficult to understand. I guess you need to console yourself that you got to be a part of her short but bright life. I am very sorry.

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