An evening in the park

I love the park next to the music class... Not only the park the streets adjacent to the park also. Broad tree lined streets, beautifully canopies of green hiding magnificently large and beautiful houses behind them. Some have elegant facades, flowing abundantly verdant bougainvillea...racks and racks of wall gardens... Large elegant roofs and balconies... For somebody who is never swayed with great houses and cars, this is one place where I really fall for the lust of wanting to own one of those houses....
Coming back to the topic... Today I decided to spend my time off 1 hour when the kids are at class in this park. Every evening I choose different ways to pass the time. Not going to delve into that right now.
Today for some reason the park invited me... I had actually planned for a nice chi-chatting-walkathon with a newly found friend, but it so happened that she was occupied otherwise... So I ended up with myself, walking and chitchatting with my non stop thoughts..

Today for since reason the park looks more lovely and beautiful than it ever did. Is it because I am actually 'SEEING' it today?.. Most days I am so engrossed in the music or the walking speed.. But today I looked around and took in the sights, not the sounds.. For I had the most musical pieces of MS playing in my ear.
This area is filled with stone really elegantlly looking people, mostly aged and middle aged.. Except for the play area which is filed with the cutest of tiny tots. This is indeed a very well maintained park... Beautiful adorned with very very lush and thick and colourful bougainvillea on the sides of the park.. Green plants all around and inside the park. One small area cornered off and filled with pebbles for 'accupressure' walk experience.. One small area with exercise equipment for adults.
Along the walk itself many neat small benches.. Here I saw a gang of uncles chatting and laughing off - enjoying the best times of their lives - an aunty meditating, a married couple rejuvenating their relationship, a passionate lover couple trying to restrain their passion, could of parked wheelchairs with few unfortunates who can satisfy their basic need to walk only by observing others... Few prams and their proud parents walking or playing with the giggling babies inside..
I smiled and smiled to myself as I took all these wonderful creations of the good Lord, in... But sadly I noticed that not any body else was so much even pleasant... Except that gang of uncles... People should smile more... Ever without a reason I feel... Should share a smile with a stranger when their eyes happen to meet accidentally... And spread more cheer into the world...
A friend shared this... 'Somewhere between the fear of being left out and feeling peaceful being alone.... We grew up...' today evening I felt 'grown up'....


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