What the World Now Needs ...

..... is Love ... Sweet Love ....

It has been a really really long long day for it started yesterday night itself - with just another sleepless night (thanks to our sweet RLS - I still have not got time to get it checked and it has been over a month now) ... and then ... dont ask about the day. I will be really happy when the day I get back to office comes (never thought i would EVER EVER say that !!!! URGH!) .... 

It has been a long week .. Started off with the R leaving for globe trotting to UK on Sunday morning .. Before I could rub my hands in glee and plan my so-called 'free' evenings - the little one goes and wakes up with a high temperature on Monday morning. I think that it must be that should-have-never-eaten-in-the-first-place 'ice gola' that she gobbled the previous evening while I was busy looking at trinkets in the mela in our apartment and leave for work ... I come back to find that she is still the same and has not risen out of the bed .. Worry starts to kick in and I somehow prevent it from turning into the panic monster. Tuesday morning sees me rushing first thing to Cloud nine because guess what - I felt as if was sleeping beside a hot pot the whole night .. The doc has one look at her and suspects to be H1N1 (excuse me those are meaningless letters put together for me ... I mean hello ... do normal people even get such an infection ???) Apprently yes ... later I come to know (thanks to whatsapp forwards) that it is very much in air and totally in Bangalore's air. Even before the suspicion is confirmed as a test she puts her on medication (I love you Doc for that) ... and after confirmation - the entire family gets on medication. It is no easy job taking care of a sick child - I dont need to tell you moms - it is worse when you also get the same sickness (if not fully partial) and you have a fully healthy child to take care of also and prevent her from falling sick. 
By Wednesday, the worst happens - my mom also falls sick with very high temperature - so the one helping hand I had was lost ... Thursday saw the little one getting better but the elder one worsening and there was nothing I was able to do also - as I could not leave a sick one at home and take care of her / rush her to a hospital ... Never felt soo helpless....

Today morning brought good and bad news ... The little one wakes up her chirpy self and is up and about wanting to go to school to write her exam... After much deliberation , I ferry her to school and wait till she finishes her exam, get her back home , make lunch and leave the elder one alone at home for the first time around and take the little one for the follow up to her doc - who confirms she is good to go ...while insisting that after the exams I come back to get both of them vaccinated (not again !!!!) ... 

Come back home to get the bad news that amma has lost her hearing completely... Apparently the infection has affected the nerves in her ears causing temporary hearing loss..... I rush to the hospital to relieve appa and my brave soldiers stay at home alone for 3 and half hours !!!!! I am just such a proud mom - yes - you can see my big beaming face !!! .... You should have seen and felt the hugs I got when I came back home ... It was amazing !!!!! The little one would just not leave me ....  I had a profound time at the hospital and coming back to this just ... turned my evening to something else ... and thus was born this post ... 

Amma... it broke my heart to see her lying so frail and helpless in the hospital bed ... I just could not stop myself but hug her hard..and then realized , I can spend the next hour moping on how bad she is feeling , how horrible the situation is ... or cheer her up !! So that is what I did and I "SPOKE" to her .... first I used dumb charades ( R -> ... I realized - if i were ever to get deaf - all our pictionary and dumb charades practise will come completely useful ) ... but unfortunately my mom sucks at dumb charades ... and then a light bulb glowed over my head (Mister Maker style ..) Mili used to write hand written notes in my cell phone .. I used that technique and for the next hour and half or more .. filled amma with all the stuff that happened ever since she fell sick and some more gossip, general stuff and positive thinking and so on ... Oh! It was such a lovely time we had ... in between the silences , I felt that I have never been silent with my mom .... EVER ... people who know me well , can swear that I cannot shut my mouth .. so with my bestie amma it is impossible to keep quiet .... I cant wait for my amma to actually hear what I can say ... 

While walking back to catch an auto to rush back to the little kittens that were wailing for their mamma at home , I remembered this song .. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=At1qTKjiz-I ... and realized that this is really what the world needs ... a little love ... that is what my mother needed .. a little love .. the medicines, doctors , care and all is there ... but that little love helped her .. 

I came back home to two clinging monkeys who would just now leave me .. it was as if they wanted to make up for all those lost minutes in the 3 and 1/2 hours that I left them ... These are moments that Maya gets into the mood that is precisely why I wanted a baby girl .... Story mood ... stories of my life .. stories of my childhood, my memories , my reflections ... she loves to hear them ... and you know me - i love to talk of them ... I spoke a lot to them about my Paati ... my bond with my Paati - how lovely it was and how just like theirs is with their Paati ... 

My Paati lost a bit of her hearing as she grew old, but amma told me that everytime I called - whether it was from the US or from Bangalore - she would hear every single word I spoke - while at times folks near her found it difficult to speak to her... Especially when her son spoke - mostly in a disdain full manner "she cant hear well" (Well ... god did hear you... that same son is hard of hearing today ... in his old years) ... While I sat in the hospital , I called up the girls and gave the phone to amma (I had told the girls that Paati would not be able to hear you, but you still talk and you listen to what she says)... I told amma to talk whatever she wanted .. and you know WHAT!!! ... she did hear what the girls spoke to her ... See ... What the world needs ... is love ... sweet love ..... 

I could go on ..... but ... for now ... 


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