Love You Zindagi ....

.... Okay I am getting to be a stereotype .. can pen down anything only if it is related to a song.. Probably because I spend so much time listening to only songs these days and not reading as much.. Either getting too jaded to read new stuff or not pushing myself to open the doors of my literary cell to new knocks! .. 

This one is on the repeat for the past few days .. and it just does not stop even when the headphones are off. It keeps buzzing in the background .. just those 3 words .. Such important words - but words that we never stop and consider or are too busy to even think about...

Life, of late, has been totally centered on our "Tea Sessions" - the variety of conversations, the confessions, the sharing, the caring, the occasional "guests" to the gang... To the extent that sometimes we are depressed that there are two villains - Saturday and Sunday - in between !! Amen to my "Tea Gang".. May this go on forever...

Coming back to the Song - i just love how Amit Trivedi manages to belt such awesome "Simple" yet powerful songs .. All of "English Vinglish" (Dhak Dhuk),  "Queen"'s songs - especially "Jugni" ; "Gubaare" .. and just how the lyrics in these songs are with SO much WEIGHT! but have been packaged in a very light-weight musical box! 

This song makes me appreciate my life - my Zindagi - the one that is packed with its own Ups and Downs - sometimes more Downs than Ups - but one that is mine - been given to just me to ACTUALLY feel happy.. Recently i re-read a forward that keeps coming back again and again - that nothing decides your happiness Quotient - but you yourself. A Spilt Coffee, a heated argument with your spouse, a disappointed non-productive day at work, a loss, a miss - nothing nothing actually tells you - "Okay ! I have happened - now go sulk, scream , cry and stay unhappy!" - it is just ME and nothing else which decides that i should not smile at what happened - and just how simple it is to smile and let that go and shift to something else !!! This song is a concrete re-inforcement of the same fact.. 

"Love You My very own Dear Zindagi" ..... The very way you are .... 


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