
It is nearly a month since I blogged. We had been to a “Dream” vacation to the happiest place on Earth – Walt Disney World – Orlando & SeaWorld for about a week (3 weeks ago). After coming back from the vacation, instead of feeling rejuvenated, I started feeling depressed, home-sick, dull and whole lot of other negative things. I guess it was as one of my friends rightly put it – “A Person who is back from vacation is the one who needs a vacation the most”. I went into some kind of a stupid shell and hibernation. There were scores of emails to reply to, dozens of calls to return to, zillions of photos to organize and upload for those eagerly waiting loving friends – but the heart was not set in doing any of these.

Then finally I gave into the persistent inquires of my lovely friends as to why I was not blogging! Thanks dear ones – your inquiries made me feel so much wanted. I felt so happy that here are these darling friends who visit this URL often and want to know more of my thoughts, it touched me a lot. And so here I am, re-inspired, about to embark on another journey of keys & html Pages (aka papers and pens) to ramble about happenings around me and what I feel/think of them.


Anonymous said…
yayyy... nice to see a blog from you after a long time :)
Chandrika said…
Cheer Up Vidhya! I know that feeling.. Pamper yourself a bit... Indulge in some comfort food and most importantly take one thing at a time...U will be back to yourself in no time! :-)
Anonymous said…
good to see u back vidhya akka. missed u through the month :(
Vidhya Rajesh said…
$$ Sirisha & Archu - thanks for the encouragement

$$ Chandrika - I think you are right. It is time I cooked up something i really love :) ...

$$ Smiling Girl - you bet I would love one right now !
TNL said…
I totally understood what you were saying...there's a sense of melancholy when we come back, I felt like that couple months ago too...though I was happy to be back, there was this nagging feeling all the time.Then I got so absorbed in the daily routine...and the vacation and meeting my idols-Rahul Sharma and Pt.Shivkumar Sharma and having dinner with them became a fabulous memory.

Cherish the memory..and live in the present, I say.

Vidhya Rajesh said…
$$ Trupti - you looks soo beautiful. I saw your snap on the blog only today .. WOW! you had dinner with Pt.Shivkumar !!! That must have been one hell of an opportunity na ?? I will check your blog if there is more about it ..
Gomathi Sarma said…
I was checking your blog regularly and at on point I thought you gave you blogging. Nice to see you back sweetie.

I too felt the same sometime: I need one more vacation after I take a vacation. I think this is because we often forget to relax in our vacation. We end up seeing so many places, driving a lot and things like that. We are defenitely away from our work, but it is not same as having a cuf of coffee and just sit back on beach chair.

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