A Day To Rest

Yesterday I was on leave - a day of complete rest.
Sometimes, the thing that you hate the most can be of very good help also. I Hate my Migrane headaches... I have been suffering from it for about 7 years now, with intermediate periods of respite. Each time I go to the doctor i am dismayed further by the fact that there is no permanent cure for it, one can only reduce the frequency of attacks by finding out the trigger factors(which always seem to be non-existent - before I can conclude that one particular reason is the cause for these headaches, I am struck with a series of attacks which have no remove connection to the previous reason), and trying to avoid them ... Atleast I am lucky that in this modern world of drugs, I have tablets that can prevent the fury and wrath of a terrible ache ...

Aches are such strange things .. The person suffering from it, from outside looks perfectly fine, except for probably a drained look, but the intensity of this 'tsunami' can only be felt by he/she himself/herself... Whenever I have complained of headaches at office, I could see a twinge of disbeleif in my boss's eyes, for I would always look decently good ... but I cannot take him to the Loo and show how I throw-up or transfer the pain to his head to make him feel who it feels (it feels like an army of demons are making a tunnelway from one end of my eyebrow to the other end) ....

Well, so much for these 'peace-wrecking-tantrums-of-my-body' ... The worst occurs when you innocently wake up from sleep and found that one has already taken its position (with majority) in your head ... and all you can do that day is moan and groan alone in a dark sound-proof room .... Which was what I had precisely yesterday. But thanks to the 'miracle' medicine that my doc has given, I was spared of any major pain after 5 hours of taking the pill ..but the 'damage' was already done ... I decided not to go to office, and seeing me in pain Rajesh also took the day off...

So, there was a good day spent in rest yesterday ... just lazing around, talking of this and that, taking a leisure head bath ... and watching the much longed "Usual Suspects". When Dhan kept insisting that is the best movie ever made, each time we talked of movies, I did not understand why he was so fanatically attached to the movie - only at 2:15 (10 mins after the movie started ) did it strike me why - for I also was one by then ....

What an amazing movie it is ... slick direction, suspense story, AMAZING Acting by Kevin Spacey (makes you feel like shaking him at times to ask him stop talking) .... and Al Pacino's screen presence (he is my current smartie) .... At no point in the 2 hour time of the film, will you be able to yawn and say "okay for the next 2 seconds i won't look at the screen ... "... Every frame in the movie is captivating and is full of information .... Each turn and twist in the story is thrilling .... And as any suspense movie/novel, nothing in the whole world beats the end .... The moment of realization for the detective is too amazing .... I won't write more, else i will be tempted to divulge the suspense ...

The day ended with a visit to the doc - who put me on pills for the next "century" days .... Whether India players hit a century or not, I always do it -- with pills of course , not the bat and the ball ....


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