Hobbies and Yourself

Little Rahul introduced himself thus when he was 8 : "My name is Rahul, I study in Class IV c, My Hobbies are : Drawing, playing violin, playing cricket, watching cartoon network, reading Tinkle, playing carrom board,visiting the beach" .....

When he was 16 he introduced himself thus: "Hey! This is Rahul ... I love Painting, playing violin, watching and playing cricket"

When he was 25 he introduced himself thus" Hi! Rahul here ... My hobbies include playing violin and catching re-runs of cricket match on TV" ...

At 35, when his son asked him what his hobbies are ... he goes like ... "My hobbies are ..... ahhh ... uhhh .... ummm..." ... he is speechless....

With growing age and increasing work/home pressure - people are losing their hobbies... There are very people in my generation who take time to go out for music/art classes, who read a book as a hobby, who play a few games that they love ....
Last Saturday , when Rajesh and me spend a few wonderful hours playing the scrabble, we realised just how much are we missing out in our daily busy lives....
All of us are Tech-Savy, know everything and anything that is new in the world - are always in the rat race to grow up the corporation ladder, earn more money for a easy life, that we hardly get time to spare a few moments to do something we 'once upon a time just loved doing' ....
It is 2 years since i took out my music book to sing a few lines of my favourite keerthanam ... It is more than a month since my friend, who was once a voracious reader , started one book and could not even complete 1/4th of it ...
It is very difficult to find time ... I, for one , hardly find any time for anything (that was a nice line hee hee)... and i don't even have "GREAT" responsibilities on my shoulders as yet - so i cannot even imagine life when i do have all those BIG burdens ...
Once a while it is very important that we take out sometime to do something that gives us happiness, something which is out of the routine, something that is to do with art/music/games .... something that will keep that "extra-curricular" vien in our body alive and tingling ... It is necessary for us to rejunivinate ourselves by spending more time with ourselves, to assess where we are in life, whether what we wanted is coming fine, where are we lacking, how happy we are .... and how many more friends we have made in life ... Believe me, spending time with oneself, makes you feel more fresh and cheerful ...


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