
Showing posts from 2011

Current Need

.... to be able to emulate this song and imbibe it into every pore of my body ... I am at a very very low level of self-confidence at this point in time !


I lifted the 'cover' from atop the 'dairy' and volumes of dust and grit poured out ..... Sigh! Underneath lay 'My life' - 'My Space' - the place where I shared my thoughts, my opinions, shared my moments ... Sigh! It got lost ... admist the burdens of 'motherhood', 'wifehood' ... 'daughterhood' ... 'lifehood' ... It pains at times to be unable to find that one iota of space that is just me and not shared with anybody else ... maybe it is time i stopped waiting for the time for that space to open up and tear my way through the shroud of moments and find it .. even if it is a millisecond !!! ... that satisfying land that is just mine! And in ode to that and in the hope that I will continue to find that micron of time ... here goes my re-opening post!