Jihva of the Month – Potato

I have been quite silent here for a while. Have been a bit busy – at work and otherwise (see next post), and also not in the mood to write anything new – because everytime I opened my blog, I would see the post of Bertie and feel low. I have a bad news to share – we lost our Bertie on 21st of Feb, 2007. We cared for it well, changed its water often, never forgot to give its meal – and yet! A freak accident of nature I guess. I don’t want to dwell much on it. It was my first ever pet in life and losing it like this in just 3 and half weeks after we brought it home is indeed painful.

I saw the new Jihva event on Indira’s site and that cheered me up. It is based on one of the most favorite vegetable all over the world – Potato. There is probably no cuisine that does not include this very staple food item. It is one of the simplest vegetables and its taste appeals to all alike – kids or grown-ups. It is one of the most wonderful of vegetables that can be cooked in a million varieties. If nothing, just boil it with a little salt and it is just as tasty! C, my American colleague, once remarked in one of the team lunches – how many Americans just hated vegetables, but the only one that they really can have is Potato. By the Way, is it Pot(A)to as in ‘Apple’ or Pot(A)to as in ‘gAme’? Remember the song ‘I say Potato, you say Potato’ from ‘When Harry Met Sally’? P, an ex-colleague, prided about knowing atleast about 80 dishes to make which this 4th largest fresh produce in the world, also called ‘Apple of the Earth’ in more than 3 languages.

Okay, over to the dish! When I first saw the Jihva event – I began to run in my mind all the dishes that I would like to post – there were numerous! Finally I choose one, which I started to make recently, after having taste it in a friend M’s place. Clearly it has become one of our favorites.

Aloo – Capscicum Subzi.
Well, there can be really many ways to make this one dish itself, this is one of the many.

1 Big Capsicum
1 Big Potato
1 Medium sized Onion
1 Tsp Corriander Powder
½ Tsp Jeera Powder
1 tsp Red Chilli Powder
Salt to Taste
Mustard Seeds, Urad Dhal seeds – for Tempering.
Oil – to cook

How to Make?

Slice all the 3 Vegetables into very thin slices. In a Wok, heat oil and add mustard seeds. When they start to splutter, add the Urad dhal. When the seeds start to turn brown, add the onions and sauté. When the onions turn translucent, add the capsicums, potatoes and the 3 masala powders. Cook on low to medium heat with constant stirring. Ensure that the pieces don’t get burnt. In about 15 minutes, the Capsicum and potato pieces will be nicely coated with the masala and will be moderately cooked. Sprinkle a little water and add Salt. Cover the Wok and cook on low heat for 5 minutes. Switch off the gas and open the lid to let a wonderful smell into the Kitchen. Tada! Your dish is ready!

PS. This is dedication to a friend A - who would teasingly call me Potato Face(which I hate - becuase my face is indeed round like a Potato and I always wanted an oval face).


Anonymous said…
Vidhya, Too much art kada.. I liked the picture you have as a dedication to a friend..:)

- Prasanna
Gomathi Sarma said…
I am very sorry to hear about Bertie. I can imagine how you feel.

Nice to hear about your stories on potato. You know what - I dont know the accent around Potato. I relate to the way I say Gom[A]thi :)

Well I am good fan of your cooking. I save all of your recipes and try them often. This Aloo capsicum will be also join my kitchen soon :)
Usha said…
I am sorry about Bertie. I know exactly how it feels!
Vidhya Rajesh said…
$ Putchu - Thanks for the 'Compliment' :)...

$$ Gomes - Thanks da.. It is nice to know that somebody , other than the Mr. likes my recipes :)) It gives me the urge to improvise :). Thanks for caring about Bertie!

$$ Usha - Thanks for the condolence! I am better now, but there are moments when the mind wanders into realm of sadness and I miss him a lot...
Anonymous said…
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

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